Tag Archives: doubt

Just Keep praying… praying… praying

Our small group just switched up our focus. From a study on James to narrowing in on prayer. The new premise is around circling the promises that God has and praying into them. Simple, right! 

Of course one could take the idea and go off in anger, saying ridiculous things like, “I’ll circle the Ferrari at West-Edmonton mall,” in complete sarcasm, at which time I proceed kicking them in the face (more sarcasm). Of course the words of Jesus were not simply, “whatever you ask you get,” but whatever you ask “in my name” or “according to my will.” The problem is that we think God’s will is some ominous and far off plan that we know nothing about. 

Thessalonians is clear, the will of God for us is to be sanctified (1 Thess 4). But the question of course, is this: What is God’s specific will for me in that sanctification? Well . . . Let’s begin with the base of sanctification, namely, surrender. In order for God to sanctify us, we must give up ourselves to God so God’s will can take up residence in and through us. 

Now that God’s will is at work and he can do as he wishes, then we look at what he promises to his people. We can look at scripture to see his promise of peace or adoption or care etc. But then we look specifically at individuals and how he created them. If we honour creation(with the knowledge of brokenness and sin) then we need to look at who “I” am and how God has made me, along with an assessment of my current situation. For example: You are unsatisfied with the job you have, so we must ask, what’s your passion and what are you good at? Then we ask for God’s peace in letting go of the one job and the revealing of another. Maybe he gives peace to stay put for now and maybe he tells us to move on, but in any case, he draws us closer to himself (THIS IS THE MAIN POINT AFTERALL).

This is the type of promise we circle to pray into everyday. The premise is God actually cares for us and hears our prayers. He is a God who created us for things, namely his work and purpose. SO, when we are dissatisfied or see a need in our life that needs prayer, maybe, just maybe, it’s God saying, “Its time seek me and what I have for you.” This is circling something in prayer and not letting it go. Once we find that thing that the Lord is leading us to, we must claim it. If the Lord has for me, why shouldn’t I? Simple right? 

As I think about prayer, I can easily get confused or angry. I should be able to tell God what I want, whatever it is, and he’ll give it, right? That’s what I often feel (thanks to sin and culture), which leads to disappointment in God. When, it is really my beliefs that have the problem. I need to actually see that God has some pretty great promises for me and us, the church. And in fact, they are better and richer than we could ever ask or imagine. 

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Posted by on April 9, 2014 in Uncategorized


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Belief as Righteousness

He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was as good as dead (since he was about a hundred years old), or when he considered the barrenness of Sarah’s womb. No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. That is why his faith was “counted to him as righteousness.” But the words “it was counted to him” were not written for his sake alone, but for ours also. It will be counted to us who believe in him who raised from the dead Jesus our Lord, who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification. (Romans 4:19-25 ESV)

Sometimes we doubt Jesus and his resurrection. Mainly because we were not witnesses. Seeing is believing in our culture. I doubt. These are my dark times. I ask, Is Jesus really worth it? Or am I being played the fool?

Belief is counted as righteousness. Abraham was not counted righteous by his works or circumcision, just as I am not saved by works or baptism. He believed in his God as he got super old and his wife was barren. He believed the promise given to him, namely, that he would be the Father of many nations. This belief was counted as righteousness. He never saw until it happened. He didn’t even have Scripture. Yet he believed.

Paul tells us that we then can be counted as righteous, if we Believe in Abraham’s God who raised Jesus from the dead, the Jesus who died in our place, for our sin.

No exhaustive list of to dos, but simple belief. This is refreshing. As the prayer of a sinner earlier in scripture says, “I believe, help me in my unbelief.”

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Posted by on September 16, 2013 in Bible Thought


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