Tag Archives: Persecution

Pastor Imprisoned by the Iranians

A Letter to His Flock from the Pastor Imprisoned by the Iranians.

As I have read this story I have found it no bigger than that, a story. He is far removed from me and I know nothing of this man. But it was in reading his letter that he became real to me. Yusef, a modern day Peter, Paul, whoever you want to say. He is a man that is full of grace and truth, refusing to deny his faith. As I write my emotions are full of not anger, nor sadness, but of encouragement.

In North America we do not face “fiery trials” as this man does. Ours are more subtle. Our biggest trial is most likely our apathy. But this man, and his family, face a trial that seems mystical and fantastical to us. He is about to die for his faith. I simply want to make a few observations:

1) His story is affecting Christianity and the world. Media has got a hold of this story and is running wild with it. Never before has he had a better platform.

2) In the midst of this platform and death, his words are full of God’s words. God’s words are infused into his very being. Here is one quote:

“O beloved ones, difficulties do not weaken mankind, but they reveal the true human nature.”

I can feel this statement. He is experiencing this firsthand. His letter is one the church needs to read, hear, and experience together. We need to come behind our brother in Christ and life him up in prayer. He still may be executed, but not in vain. His words are full of grace and truth more than any North American theologian could conjure up. For some reason pressure and persecution draws out christianity.

Think about a hard situation in your life. Most times we either react with God or against him. This pastor is reacting with and in God. This pastor knows his identity. My guess is this situation has helped him stabilize in that reality. He belongs to Christ. His purpose is Christ. His life is Christ. His story is Christ’s story. I am connected to him because of this. This is our Story.

Yusef, I pray God’s richest mercy upon you. May you find peace as you struggle for the gospel. May your work in the gospel change hearts and lives. May Iran and the world see Christ through you. May God strengthen you with His Spirit.

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Posted by on September 30, 2011 in The Church


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