Tag Archives: Creation

Just Keep praying… praying… praying

Our small group just switched up our focus. From a study on James to narrowing in on prayer. The new premise is around circling the promises that God has and praying into them. Simple, right! 

Of course one could take the idea and go off in anger, saying ridiculous things like, “I’ll circle the Ferrari at West-Edmonton mall,” in complete sarcasm, at which time I proceed kicking them in the face (more sarcasm). Of course the words of Jesus were not simply, “whatever you ask you get,” but whatever you ask “in my name” or “according to my will.” The problem is that we think God’s will is some ominous and far off plan that we know nothing about. 

Thessalonians is clear, the will of God for us is to be sanctified (1 Thess 4). But the question of course, is this: What is God’s specific will for me in that sanctification? Well . . . Let’s begin with the base of sanctification, namely, surrender. In order for God to sanctify us, we must give up ourselves to God so God’s will can take up residence in and through us. 

Now that God’s will is at work and he can do as he wishes, then we look at what he promises to his people. We can look at scripture to see his promise of peace or adoption or care etc. But then we look specifically at individuals and how he created them. If we honour creation(with the knowledge of brokenness and sin) then we need to look at who “I” am and how God has made me, along with an assessment of my current situation. For example: You are unsatisfied with the job you have, so we must ask, what’s your passion and what are you good at? Then we ask for God’s peace in letting go of the one job and the revealing of another. Maybe he gives peace to stay put for now and maybe he tells us to move on, but in any case, he draws us closer to himself (THIS IS THE MAIN POINT AFTERALL).

This is the type of promise we circle to pray into everyday. The premise is God actually cares for us and hears our prayers. He is a God who created us for things, namely his work and purpose. SO, when we are dissatisfied or see a need in our life that needs prayer, maybe, just maybe, it’s God saying, “Its time seek me and what I have for you.” This is circling something in prayer and not letting it go. Once we find that thing that the Lord is leading us to, we must claim it. If the Lord has for me, why shouldn’t I? Simple right? 

As I think about prayer, I can easily get confused or angry. I should be able to tell God what I want, whatever it is, and he’ll give it, right? That’s what I often feel (thanks to sin and culture), which leads to disappointment in God. When, it is really my beliefs that have the problem. I need to actually see that God has some pretty great promises for me and us, the church. And in fact, they are better and richer than we could ever ask or imagine. 

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Posted by on April 9, 2014 in Uncategorized


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Sexual Exploitation and The Church’s Response

I read an article today that stunned me. Here it is: “Children sexually exploited by gangs” Or simply google Sexual Exploitation in the UK and you’ll see what this blog post is all about.

This article was written concerning the UK. This is a highly organized country right? I do not wish to slander England, but I do desire for change as is the call of the church. I am stunned by these numbers:

“Current Estimates say up to 10,000 children could be affected.”

“Involves children as young as 11”

This next one is shocking: “Three-quarters of England’s local safeguard and child protection boards were not recording information on child sexual exploitation, the report said.” The report was done by The University of Bedfordshire.

The question we encounter is this: What is the church to do?

The government is taking action on this, since this article was in part from the deputy children’s commissioner. So does this let us sit back and ride the government’s back? Of course not.

We are called to care for the least of these. James says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (Js 1:27). Between this and Jesus’ comments about little ones, I think we have a strong mandate not only to talk about protecting children buy to act on it.

This begins at home. Tomorrow I am helping teach a seminar on Plan to Protect. This Plan is to protect our children from such things. Church’s should first have a plan of how they are protecting their own children. Next we look to the children in our community. How are they being protected. I am glad to say that our country reports and keeps very good records of abuse to children. As the body of Christ we have a call to act justly and we must act (Micah 6:8). I am not sure how you wish to care for our children, but we must care for them in Christ’s name. Physically and spiritually. We must not separate the two as we care for them. Our goal needs to be as protective brothers and sisters.

I have been really mean to people who picked on my little sister. She is mentally handicapped and vulnerable. Not only have individuals picked on her so have systems. I do not take well to that. I have battled school systems, principals, teachers etc., to make sure my sister was protected and enjoying life.

This attitude should not change when it comes to the children all around us. When we encounter injustice, I firmly believe our gospel calls us to act. I realize we cannot do it all, but we can at least be participating in the capacity we can handle. I think of organizations like Invisible Children. This organization is helping children in central Africa. White Monkey’s and Free Burma Rangers. Women are being rapped and children stolen to be in the army. The rant will stop for now. Let’s just act. This should be a no brainer.

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Posted by on October 21, 2011 in Bible Thought, Justice, The Church


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Hope in the Curse?

Genesis begins in wonder and glory as all of creation comes to order. The first sense of gloom comes in 2:17 when God warns not to eat of the this one tree in the middle of the garden “for when you eat of it you will surely die.” I so want the next verse to be this: “and they did all the days of their life.” Of course that is my fantasy and not what actually happened. Death comes, pain comes, the curse comes. The serpent loses his legs, women gains more pain in childbirth and will desire her husband. Lastly, man gets pain in work. The ground is cursed because of man and thorns and thistles enter the world. So much for my fantasy.

But, immediately after the curse something really intriguing happened: “The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.” I find this odd. Before this moment God was cursing man and after God banished man from the garden and grieves that he made man. Yet, God covers man with animal skin. Why? What does this mean?

Let me suggest a couple things. Man is made in the image of God. God took an entire day and set it apart for man. So to begin, God cares for man. Even though they disobeyed, are cursed and will taste death, God loves his creation.

Second, this act reveals God’s personality. This act of kindness shows God’s profound grace. Could this be a sign of what is to come? Does this not show us what he would do through his son? God sacrificed an animal to cover Adam and Eve’s shame. God also sacrificed his Son to cover the sin and shame of all mankind. These two express the hope of man. That God has the heart to save man from death.

But the consequences of sin are real. This act of kindess reveals that sin and shame are an intense reality that is not over yet. Yes, there is hope but every time we see death, every time we see pain, abuse, tragedy, violence, it is all because of sin and the fall of mankind. We live in a world of sin. It’s broken. BUT! If that depresses you, then look to the hope that comes from God. The hope that he still cares, that he is still working. His kingdom is coming and his will is being done. He is the perfect Creator who is making all things new and it all started with this one kind act in the midst of the fall: “The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.”


Posted by on September 13, 2011 in Bible Thought


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